First roll on the Pentax K1000

I started shooting film and got my first rolls back from the lab.

After getting sucked into film photography YouTube for a while, I bought and compared a couple manual 35mm SLR's: the Yashica FX-3 and Pentax K1000. I have one lens for each, a 50mm f1.9 on the Yashica and a 70-210mm f4-5.6 on the Pentax.

The Yashica was far and away my favorite to shoot with and I planned on reselling the Pentax for ergonomics reasons only. But I scanned the Pentax roll first and I really loved the results from this cheap lens. By "loved" I mean the lens is difficult to focus and pretty soft, but there's something interesting and I definitely like the results from the Yashica lens more but eh, I'll keep the Pentax around. For now.

I'd debated keeping the scanned rebate in the final file, but my scanning is so consistently crooked, I think I'll just straighten and crop them like a real photo.

Some of these are clearly test shots around the house, the rest were taken on an outing to—you guessed it—Midcoast Maine.

I should mention that I will still primarily shoot digital. Film is a fun hobby within a hobby, but I still prefer the relatively instant gratification of digital. I have already adapted both of these lenses for Fujifilm X mount, so there will definitely be digital shots will a similar vibe showing up on this website. My current plan is to set aside a film + develop budget each month and use a film camera to shoot specific projects.

So here they are, my first, fuzzy attempts at shooting film since that automatic Nikon SLR we had in the early aughts. These are shot on the Pentax K1000 with 70-210mm f4-5.6, Kodak Gold 200, lab processed, home scanned using the Fujifilm X-T5 with TTArtisans 40mm f2.8 Macro, converted to positive in Lightroom Classic with Negative Lab Pro.


A storm’s coming


A day on the Midcoast